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May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month!

May 2nd, 2013

At Studebaker Orthodontics, we know image is everything, especially for today’s teenagers. At an age when image is so important, the thought of having braces may intensify the already-delicate confidence of today’s teens. Well, May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month, and during this time, parents are encouraged to act as positive role models, help stop negative self-images, and improve confidence and security among teenagers.

Dr. Robert Studebaker and our team will tell you one of the great ways to improve your confidence is to improve your smile. And that begins with a consultation at Studebaker Orthodontics. After all, what better time to avoid having crooked teeth in your adulthood than coming in for a consultation with Dr. Robert Studebaker?

We are happy to treat today’s image-conscious teens, and invite you to give us a call to schedule an initial consultation at our convenient Spring, TX office!

Burning Invisalign® Questions

April 25th, 2013

Are you wondering what Invisalign treatment is really like, and what effect it will have on your day-to-day activities while you undergo treatment? Will it slur your speech? Will people even know you're in treatment? You're not alone in your concerns! Dr. Robert Studebaker and our team thought we’d share this list of questions and answers for anyone pondering Invisalign treatment at Studebaker Orthodontics.

How exactly does Invisalign work?

Using 3-D computer imaging technology, Invisalign creates a series of custom-made, clear aligners exclusively for your teeth, based on the treatment plan that we specify for you. Each aligner moves your teeth incrementally and is worn for about two weeks, then replaced by the next in the series until the final position is achieved.

Will I experience any pain during treatment?

Most people experience temporary discomfort for a few days after a new aligner is placed. This feeling of pressure is normal and is a sign that Invisalign is working by moving your teeth to their final destination.

Can other people tell that I'm in treatment?

One of the benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners are clear. You can straighten your teeth without friends, family or your coworkers knowing!

Can I smoke during treatment?

Dr. Robert Studebaker and our team discourage smoking while wearing the aligners as they may become discolored.

Are there any foods I shouldn’t eat while in treatment?

You can eat normally during the entire course of treatment. One of the advantages of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable. Simply take the aligners out before each meal, brush when you're finished eating, then reinsert the aligners afterward.

What about chewing gum?

We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks, as gum and other chewy substances can stick to the aligners.

How often should I wear my aligners?

Aligners should be worn all day, except when eating, brushing and flossing.

Will my speech be affected by the aligners?

As with any orthodontic treatment, aligners may temporarily affect your speech. If this does happen, your tongue will adjust within a day or two and your speech should return to normal.

How do I clean my aligners?

The best way to clean your aligners is by brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water.

How often must I visit the office during treatment?

For most patients, visits to Studebaker Orthodontics every four to six weeks are frequent enough for us to determine that your treatment is progressing properly. We will provide you with a specific schedule that supports your individual treatment plan.

If you have additional questions about the Invisalign treatment, please give us a call at our convenient Spring, TX office.

Earth Day

April 18th, 2013

The idea for Earth Day was the brainchild of Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin. He envisioned an Earth Day that would be a kind of environmental teach-in. The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970, and a surprising 20 million people participated on that day. Ultimately, it became the largest organized celebration in US history.

Earth Day Over the Years

Over the years, the recognition of the day, and the number of people celebrating it all over the world, turned Earth Day into an international celebration. Because it is celebrated throughout the world, it is not only the largest international environmental observation, but it is also more widely celebrated than any other environmental event in the world. Today, Earth Day is celebrated in 175 countries where over 500 million people participate in celebrations.

The Earth Day Movement

The Earth Day movement is credited with developing the idea that people should “think green”. It encouraged congress to enact laws, including one that resulted in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. It also inspired the passage of the Endangered Species Act.

The Five R's and Their Importance

  • Reduce – Reduce by avoiding unnecessary purchases. Reduce your use of materials that wind up in landfills. Reduce the use of chemicals around your house. Reduce your use of disposable bags, plates, cups, eating utensils, and batteries.
  • Reuse – Instead of using plastic bags for your groceries or purchases, bring your own reusable bags. When you go to buy coffee at Starbucks, take a travel mug so you don't have to get your coffee in a disposable paper cup. Instead of storing food in disposable refrigerator containers, buy containers that can be washed and reused. Don't use regular batteries. Whenever possible, opt for rechargeable batteries that you can reuse.
  • Recycle – Most cities offer a recycling program to collect used bottles, cans, and newspapers. Recycling includes collecting recyclable materials that would otherwise be considered waste, sorting and processing recyclables into raw materials such as fibers and manufacturing raw materials into new products.
  • Re-buy – Make an effort to purchase things that are made through recycling. When purchasing furniture, look for items that are made from reclaimed wood. When buying paper for kids school work, computer printer paper, holiday cards, or anything else, make a point of purchasing recycled paper products. Instead of buying clothing at full retail price, shop for second hand clothing. You will save a lot of money by doing so!
  • Rethink – Rethink the way you do things so that you do them in an eco-conscious way at all times. Instead of driving to work alone, consider taking the bus or going in a carpool. Walk or ride your bike when you're only going a short distance. Plan your shopping trips and errand runs so that you can do everything on one day, and do it in a way where you can save time and gas.

Other ways to "think green" include growing your own food, composting yard waste and food scraps, or by participating in local recycling programs. Join a group like Freecycle so you can share your unneeded and unwanted possessions with people who can use them. Likewise, you'll be able to get things you need or want for free.

Earth Day teaches people that the planet belongs to everyone, so everyone is equally responsible for protecting it. Although Earth Day is an environmental celebration, our team at Studebaker Orthodontics wants to remind you that you don't have to wait until then to make changes that will allow you and your family to live a greener life.

Happy Earth Day from the team at Studebaker Orthodontics.

The Advantage of Invisalign Teen®

April 11th, 2013

Here at Studebaker Orthodontics, we know that image is everything. At an age when image is so important, the thought of having metal brackets and wires constantly attached to the teeth may intensify the already-delicate confidence of today's teens. But not to worry! There is a clear alternative to traditional braces! The team at Studebaker Orthodontics thought we'd remind you that Invisalign Teen gives you a whole new way to wear braces for a "clearly" amazing smile!

So how does Invisalign Teen work, you ask? Much in the same fashion as Invisalign, but with a few added characteristics tailored specifically to teenagers’ lifestyles. For instance, Invisalign Teen is designed with “compliance indicators” that fade from dark to light during the two-week period during which that particular tray is used. Once the indicator has faded, teens know to change trays. Each aligner comes with up to six free individual replacement aligners in case the original aligner ends up lost or broken, which is another big benefit for the patient!

The treatment period for Invisalign Teen varies from nine to 18 months, but can vary depending on each case. If your teen is considering orthodontic treatment, please contact us at our Spring, TX office and we’ll answer any questions you may have about Invisalign Teen.

6525 FM 2920, Spring, TX 77379 (281) 251-9229 See location on map